Got tagged
Hola! Aku dapat tag dari 1000 orang. Yang tag ke aku banyak bingit-_- Cek aja sendiri->
* Like horror movies? No
* Korea or Japan? Both
* often take pictures? No
* Have watched Final Destination? (hahahaXD) Not yet xD
* XFactor Indonesia or Indonesian Idol? XFactor Indonesia
* Cat or Dog? Both
* iPhone or iPad? Both
* Do you have brother or sister? Yes, i have
* Do you have a pet? No, i doesn't
* Have you ever gonna to another country? No
Kak Adelia's Questions
1. Do you like chocolate? Yes, i do
2. Prefer Coke or Tea? Tea
3. What do you wear when you go to the mall? Jeans, T-Shirts
4. Which one do you like better: DC or Converse? Both
5. Which one do you prefer: Pure Milk or Chocolate Milk? Pure Milk
6. What's your favorite movie? Both
7. What's your favorite novel book? Both
8. If you could, what color would you dye your hair? Black is always
9. Where on this milky way would you live, if you could choose? emmm?
10. Where are you? xD (City, Country, and Planet) Surabaya, Indonesia, and Earth xD11. Where would you buy your favorite pizza? (what brand) Pizza Hut
Kak Faradina's Questions
- Post this rules
- Write 11 things about yourself
- Answer the question the tagger set to you
- Create 11 new questions for those you want to tag
- Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post
- Don't tag me back
- My favorite colour is Green, Blue, and Grey
- I don't like a cat
- I'm Muslim
- My hobby is EATING >< but i'm not chubby chubby LOL
- I'm a K-Popers
- I like Ice Cream *yummy*
- I hate haters, copycat, ripper
- 4B (my class) is my Best Friends.
- Part of Super Zomplak(?)
- I like to make sport people
- I don't like "Beautiful" words, but i like "Cool" words B-)
* Korea or Japan? Both
* often take pictures? No
* Have watched Final Destination? (hahahaXD) Not yet xD
* XFactor Indonesia or Indonesian Idol? XFactor Indonesia
* Cat or Dog? Both
* iPhone or iPad? Both
* Do you have brother or sister? Yes, i have
* Do you have a pet? No, i doesn't
* Have you ever gonna to another country? No
Kak Adelia's Questions
- Are you like eating? XD Yes, i really like eating xD
- (If you like JKT48) Who is your oshi? No, i don't like JKT48
- Who is your idol? Hyoyeon and Yooara
- How your height? XD emm, i don't know xD
- When you start blogging? I forgot
- Who is your Blogger friends? You can see in Exchange links/banner
- Mobil / Sepeda? apa alasanmu? Sepeda, soalnnya tidak mengeluarkan asap/polusi :)
- What is your Template blog? Classic Template
- Push up / Sit up? Ga dua duannya xD
- Kalau visit ke blog, biasanya suka baca-baca apa? Postnnya
- Apa motto kamu? Translate ke Bahasa Indonesia? Ga punya xD
Bening's Questions
2. Prefer Coke or Tea? Tea
3. What do you wear when you go to the mall? Jeans, T-Shirts
4. Which one do you like better: DC or Converse? Both
5. Which one do you prefer: Pure Milk or Chocolate Milk? Pure Milk
6. What's your favorite movie? Both
7. What's your favorite novel book? Both
8. If you could, what color would you dye your hair? Black is always
9. Where on this milky way would you live, if you could choose? emmm?
10. Where are you? xD (City, Country, and Planet) Surabaya, Indonesia, and Earth xD11. Where would you buy your favorite pizza? (what brand) Pizza Hut
Kak Faradina's Questions
- Pacaran sama eyang subur / musuh bebuyutanmu? Ga ada xD
- Kartun apa yang kamu senangi? Tom and Jerry
- Kalo trending topic di twitter ada nama aku,kamu langsung apa? (envy,sorakin,etc?) kepo.. | sorakin! wkwk
- Lebih milih mata pelajaran MTK atau FISIKA? ga dua duaannya.__.
- Jujur~ kamu dulu alay nggak? enggak
- Kalo di blogger,lebih doyan ngedit template atau nge-post | ngedit template
- Umur kamu berapa? 9, masih mudakan? iya, soalnnya saya
awet muda - Suka shopping atau blogging? blogging, kalau shopping itu bosannnnnn
- Lebih baik baterai diambil atau modem :D ?! apa yah???
- Apa reaksi kamu saat melihat INI lihat lama-lama (click) KAGET BANGET!!!!!!!!!!!!! -_-" bikin jantungan._.V *eh
- Jika kamu terkenal,mau nggak ngasih fans ttd? Mau dong
Kak Dinda's Questions
- Suka kpop? Suka
- Fandomu apa? kalau Fandom utama, SONE
- Kalau hari libur, biasannya ngapain? Naik genteng sama teman
- Suka K-ON? Ga terlalu. Ga tau.__.
- Pergi ke Jepang atau Inggris? Jepang
- Biasmu siapa? Hyoyeon & Yooara
- Ngejailin atau dijailin? Ngejailin dong! Wkwk(?)
- Super Junior atau EXO? Bingung
- SNSD atau 2NE1? Juga bingung
- Blog jelek tapi banyak pengunjung atau blog bagus tp gk ada pengunjung? Blog jelek tapi banyak pengunjung
- Dikejar orang gila atau dikejar anjing? Dikejar anjing aja dah-.-
Rio's Questions
1. What is your full name? Valentine Heralcia Kunarwanto
2. Do you like to go to mall? why? No i don't, because.... bored._.
3. Japan or Indonesia? Why? (If you choose Japan, that's mean you aren't love your home!) Indonesia. Yes, because there is the birthplace of beta:))
4. Movie or Horror? Movie-.-
5. Computer or iPad? Computer
6. Friend or Family? Both
7. Fat or Ugly? Both
8. Naruto or Doraemon? Both
9. What is your best friend? Tere, Nathan, Novinda, Dimas, Ifal, Icha, Kevin and many more :D
10. Coboy JR or Winx? Both
And my last question...
Do you believe about L O V E ? Why? I do not believe.... because... i prefer friendship. maybe?
Nida's Questions
My Questions:2. Do you like to go to mall? why? No i don't, because.... bored._.
3. Japan or Indonesia? Why? (If you choose Japan, that's mean you aren't love your home!) Indonesia. Yes, because there is the birthplace of beta:))
4. Movie or Horror? Movie-.-
5. Computer or iPad? Computer
6. Friend or Family? Both
7. Fat or Ugly? Both
8. Naruto or Doraemon? Both
9. What is your best friend? Tere, Nathan, Novinda, Dimas, Ifal, Icha, Kevin and many more :D
10. Coboy JR or Winx? Both
And my last question...
Do you believe about L O V E ? Why? I do not believe.... because... i prefer friendship. maybe?
Nida's Questions
- If you love K-Pop, who is your bias? Hyoyeon and YooAra
- Milk or Soda? Milk
- What do your friends do in your birthday ? I don't know
- How old are you? 9
- What's your dreams? (Type just 2 but must there are a reasons) Photographer, because i like takes camera and the picture *eh? and businessman. Because me and my friends like to make stuff from thrift
- Are you a football lover? Sometimes
- Do you like Greyson Chance? No
- What do you think about my blog? (Type 4 about my blog) Nice, Great, Good, all to the good
- What do you do if you live in the Mercury? emm I don't know
- When is your birthday? 23 October
- Where you wanna go if you can go around the world? (Type 5) Mekkah, Paris, Korea, Japan, U.S.A
- Japan or Indonesia?
- Do you like EXO?
- Are you K-Popers
- What is your favorite music?
- Do you have Instagram?
- What's your hobby?
- Can you swimming?
- Do you like K-On?
- Oppa Gangnam Style/Harlem Shake?
- What's your favorite number?
- What is your favorite colors?
Lumayan capek -_-" Sorry for bad grammar :D Maklum kan? aku ini masih kelas 4, jadi blm terlalu menguasai Bahasa Inggris, aku nyontek sinih-> wkwk. Yang kena tag aku kirim di Cbox kalian!