Liebster Award
Asalamu 'alaikumHello :-) I was forced to use English, but I do not know why._. I get the tag from Madha Ok, thanks before.
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!
11 things about me.-. :
1. Hate pink
2. I prefer school than a holiday
3. I am 10 years old, 5th grade
4. I have many BFF
5. Personally in my school: talkative and mischievous. So be careful haha :D
6. Hate spider, but not phobia
7. Phobia with glitter
8. I hateeeeeee crying! Because i'm corky!! ^^
9. I always try to make my friends happy, and it..always successful^-^
10. I have many social networks......
11. If in school, I like to sit in the back seat and the middle
From Madha:
- Did you have enemies in your school? If you have, why you make them to be your enemies? Yes I have, but sorry for the reason ... secret
- Tell me, who is your favorite subject teacher. And why you make him/her to be your favorite? Mr. Fajar Tri Laksono, because he likes comedy and Bu Desty because she likes comedy too :-)
- What is your future dream, and why you want to be that? I want to be a designer or photography. Because I want to make it better than ever
- What is the small things that you don't like or maybe you hate it? Ripper
- Tell me four of your resolutions in this year :) I don't know._.
- Pop or Rock - Pop
- If you had to choose one, who will you choose? Best friend or family? Family but i need Best friend too-.-
- I'm bad in english. Can you teach me? *fufufufu I can't, my english bad too--" kkkk~
- Did you have your beloved idol's album? Yes, I have :)
- Horror or romance? Tell me your reason why you choose one of them - Horror, yeah because that's my hobbie/?
- Novel or Magazine? Not both
My Question for youuu:
1. Your Full Name, please?
2. And, your nickname?
3. School or Holiday?
4. Where are you from?
5. Are you K-Popers?
6. Do you have a best friend? If you have, should have mentioned?
7. Since when did you join the Blogger?
8. What is your favorite movie?
9. Action, Romance, Horror or Adventure?
10. What is your favorite color?
11. Your favorite numbers?
Can I tag only to 3 people? Sorry.
Thank You ^^